Don't waste your money on agencies that neglect your account or on a website that fails to convert. With Google Ads, you can attract highly motivated and qualified traffic from the thousands of people searching for services like yours every month.
Our goal is to help you discover opportunities that you can leverage even without our assistance.
After auditing hundreds of accounts, we have identified the four most common mistakes that lead to high CPMs and low conversion rates.
Poorly structured campaign
We first remove keywords and hidden search terms that indicate low intent or unqualified searches. Next, we apply proven campaign organization techniques to optimize Ad groups, bids, and ad copy for maximum impact.
Poorly designed landing pages
While Google Ads can generate traffic, landing pages are critical for driving conversions. If your website or landing page fails to align with search intent or is difficult to navigate, visitors will quickly leave and your ad spend will go to waste.
Expensive fees
We offer competitive pricing and provide landing pages, while also managing your ad spend. On the other hand, many agencies charge too much, set up campaigns, and then offer little support afterward.
Poor ongoing optimization efforts
We put ongoing optimization efforts at the top of our list by always making changes to ad copy, headlines, keywords, and ad groups. We proactively cut underperforming ad groups and keywords, while also leveraging advanced data points such as impression share, device usage, and geographic targeting.
After you sign up for our fully managed service, your campaign will be up and running within 10 days.
Keyword research, audit & campaign setup
Simply complete a brief questionnaire, and we'll start the research and campaign setup process.
Ad copy & landing page creation
We will present all ads, campaign structures, and landing pages to you for approval before launching.
Conversion tracking and reporting
We'll establish conversion tracking and provide you with a custom, transparent metrics dashboard.
Optimize daily & drive leads
We consistently optimize your account proactively to help you achieve your goals.
We do a lot of keyword research up front to find the most relevant and cost-effective bottom-of-the-funnel terms. We then craft ad headlines and descriptions designed to achieve high click-through rates.
First, we employ our proven structure to organize campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. From there, we use advanced optimization techniques like bidding strategies, impression share, single keyword ad groups (SKAGs), negative keywords, geographic targeting, device targeting, and more.
To ensure high conversion rates, landing pages should align with what visitors expect to see after clicking on your ad. We make landing pages that focus on the message of the ad and leave out any other information. For instance, we remove the menu from landing pages and use clear and concise hero text.
We give you a clear dashboard that shows key performance indicators like total spend, cost per click, number of conversions, cost per conversion, and more.
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I am the founder of CAASCOM, which is a group of companies with a set purpose to help businesses and individuals realize their full potential.
Division50 is our latest venture that specializes in sales process optimization and lead generation for B2B companies.
Schedule a meeting with us to discuss how we can grow your business.
Don't listen to what I say, listen to what some of the people we've worked with have to say about us.
"It's very important as a service provider to deliver on your promises, which is what Soltane and team have done so far. They instill confidence in you and if you've got something great that you want to create then this system will help you do that ."
"Since we started working together we have seen a massive increase in profits in my company, and we have also implemented a five-year strategy to keep scaling exponentially."
The process tells you how we do what we do. Now let us show you what we can do.
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Dubai, UAE
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