How To Hire A Marketing Agency

As you advance in your field, it's likely that you'll work with a marketing agency to help your business grow more efficiently. However, many agencies out there are not effective at their jobs, and it's important to consider a few key points before hiring one.

I run a platform that lists hundreds of agencies and firms, and I help people find the right agency for their needs on a daily basis. During this process, I've heard some shocking stories about companies that lost money on unsuccessful marketing campaigns, copywriting, and sales funnel strategies. These companies ended up hiring and firing multiple agencies due to their lack of competence or inability to work well together.

Instead of giving up on marketing agencies altogether and trying to do everything in-house (which can be expensive), there's still a chance to find the right one. Here are three things to consider when choosing a marketing agency:

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  • 1. Have they produced results before? This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's surprising how many people don't ask this question and fail to do their due diligence. Make sure to ask for references and reach out to previous and current clients to verify their experiences with the agency. Also, ask about the agency's specialties and the results they have achieved in those areas. Be wary of agencies that claim to be able to do everything – a good marketing agency should specialize in certain areas of marketing.

  • 2. Have they worked with other businesses in your industry? Just because an agency has produced great results for one niche doesn't mean they will understand your niche. Don't pay for an agency to learn and experiment at your expense – look for one that has already paid for the education and can help you speed up your growth.

  • 3. Do they practice what they preach? This is a major factor that can eliminate most unqualified agencies. For example, if an agency claims to be able to help you with Facebook ads, ask them how much they are spending on Facebook ads for their own business. If they don't have a strong presence on the platform they claim to be experts in, it's a red flag. The same goes for any other platform – if they can't demonstrate success for their own business, they may not be able to help you achieve it either.

When you choose the right marketing agency, they should help accelerate your growth and take you to the next level. The wrong agency, on the other hand, could bankrupt you and waste your time and money. It's also important to be proactive in your partnership with the agency – make sure you know what you want to achieve and communicate that clearly with them. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get a clear understanding of their strategy. A good agency will be transparent and open to collaboration.


In conclusion, consider these three factors when choosing a marketing agency: their track record, experience in your industry, and their presence on the platforms they claim to be experts in. With the right agency by your side, you'll be well on your way to success.

Soltane Yousfi


Soltane Yousfi

Founder & CEO

Division50 | CAASCOM